Alhamdulillah! The final product looks GREAT ! Impressive entrance already 💁 The pupils watching tips on Astro's Tutor TV Beautiful fenced garden The pupils can now look at useful information while they eat Herb Garden - parents' contribution Now, let's pray for the best...judgement is coming! Hope the judges LOVE our canteen as much as we do 😍😍😍
A special thanks to the parents that contribute their money, time and effort to help with the school canteen! U capan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada ibu bapa yang telah menyumbang wang ringgit, masa dan tenaga untuk menceriakan kantin sekolah! They are truly amazing. Check out some pictures of what they helped with and contributed... Mereka semua amat mengagumkan. Lihat sahaja gambar-gambar yang memperlihatkan kesungguhan mereka....